Our Outreach Chair, Wende Burton, sent this along. Please read and get ready for a great time this year. Information is below. Fr. Greg
St. Mark’s 3rd Fall Festival for homeless children in partnership with Captain Hope’s Kids will be Saturday, October 15th from 10:30 to 2:00pm. We will be hosting homeless kids of all ages from agencies that provide housing for homeless families, providing them a safe place to enjoy themselves. We will be collecting books for kids of all ages (babies to teens) for a “book walk” and volunteers are needed for registration, games, and making our guests feel welcome! Also, we will be serving lunch, so you would like to contribute brownies or cookies, that would be appreciated as well! There will be a brief meeting after church on Sunday, October 8th to review last minute details! If you have questions, please contact Wende Burton or Kathy Whitgrove. Please note that volunteers must have completed Safe Church training in order to participate.