A letter from Bret Williams, Missioner for Communications, Episcopal Diocese of Dallas, regarding the fall issue of Esprit magazine:
I am pleased to announce that the October edition of Esprit is ready and available online. Here is the direct link to the online magazine: http://content.yudu.com/A1pbo0/Esprit/
You may also access this via the homepage of the Diocesan site at http://www.dallasdiocese.org
We are also in the process of delivering hard copies to your church. We are delivering fewer hard copies this quarter based on the digital availability of the publication. Therefore, we are asking that you include this link in your email communications to your congregation, or forward this link to the Esprit directly to your members in a separate email. Thank you for your help in the distribution of our Diocesan magazine, we hope you enjoy this edition.
Also, please feel free to help us promote our Diocesan iPad/iPhone app “EDOD Mobile.” This edition of Esprit is currently available through this app as well.