Author Archive: Frank Christman
Fr. Corley’s Sermon, August 19
Supporting Lee Britain Elementary Students
St. Mark’s will be collecting new underwear and socks for distribution at Lee Britain Elementary School, where our own Deb Swartz is better known as “Nurse Debbie.” All sizes are needed – from toddler up to adult, and all will be much appreciated. Lee Britain serves a large number of low income families, and these items are always in need. In addition to socks and underwear, school supplies would be appreciated as well. School begins on 8/27/2012, and we would like to get Debbie well-stocked for the new year! Please leave donations in the BodyBuilding bin from August 19 through Sunday, September 9th. If you have any questions, please contact Deb Swartz.
Fr. Ash’s Sermon, July 22
Fr. Corley’s Sermon, July 15
Half-Off in the Silver Lion Gift Shop!
Silver Lion Summer Sale – inventory reduction! All inventory (except Bibles and Prayer books) will be 50% off through the end of August! This includes all remaining James Avery, Christmas, Easter and other holiday items. All profits go to our outreach projects.
Adventure Team Outing, July 24
Tuesday, July 24th, The Adventure Team will depart the Parish Hall at 1045am for lunch at the Dallas Museum of Art’s Atrium Cafe followed by a visit to “Flower of the Prairie, George Groz in Dallas.” In 1952 the German Artist George Groz was invited to Dallas by Leon Harris, the young VP and President of A. Harris and Co. Department Store. Mr. Harris commissioned a series of Paintings and drawings illustrating Dallas in 1952 and the result is this exhibition. Please see for ticket prices and further exhibition details. RSVP to Ed Morton is you plan to attend.
Fr. Corley’s Sermon, July 8
Fr. Classen’s Sermon, July 1
“Fr. Classen’s Sermon 07.01.2012” — Listen here, or download the MP3!
Vacation Church School
Get ready to let your kids shine!
At Rocky Point Lighthouse VBS, kids learn to shine God’s light. This VBS is filled with incredible Bible-learning experiences kids see, hear, and touch. Team-building games, cool Bible songs, and active Bible adventures ae just a few of the activities that help faith flow into real life.
Your kids will also participate in an outreach project, called Projects With a Purpose, that will let the kids in our community shine God’s love to families.
Parents, grandparents, and friends are invited to join us for a Sunday Celebration on July 22nd, a dramatic, high-energy celebration of God’s love you won’t want to miss.
So join us on Saturday, July 21st, beginning at 9:00am and ending at 3:00pm for all the fun. Lunch and snacks will be provided. All kids aged 4-12 are welcome.
Questions? Contact Kathy W, your Rocky Point Lighthouse VBS Director